What activates the PI3K pathway, the most commonly mutated pathway in cancer that can be targeted by drugs?

What activates the PI3K pathway, the most commonly mutated pathway in cancer that can be targeted by drugs?

The PI3K pathway has a number of diverse functions, including altering the cell’s metabolism and driving cell growth and proliferation. The PI3K pathway also is the most commonly mutated pathway in cancer that can be targeted by drugs. “Our multi-institutional research team studied the PI3K pathway, one of the most important pathways of the cell,” … Continue reading

A new HER2 mutation leads to a clinical trial and to a promising diagnostic tool for metastatic breast cancer

A new HER2 mutation leads to a clinical trial and to a promising diagnostic tool for metastatic breast cancer

There is a group of metastatic breast cancers that has the HER2 gene amplified – the cells have many copies of it – which leads to enhanced activity of the product enzyme, a tyrosine kinase. HER2 has been established as a therapeutic target in breast cancer, and breast cancers in which the HER2 gene is … Continue reading

‘Silent seizures’ discovered in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

‘Silent seizures’ discovered in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Deep in the brains of two patients with Alzheimer’s disease, the main memory structure, the hippocampus, displays episodic seizure-like electrical activity. These nonconvulsive hippocampal seizures are the first signs of ‘silent’ brain electrical network dysfunction described in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a condition affecting more than 5 million people in the U.S. “About 10 years … Continue reading

‘MARRVEL’: a new way to compile big data in a human-centric way

‘MARRVEL’: a new way to compile big data in a human-centric way

When a group of researchers in the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Baylor College of Medicine realized they were spending days combing through databases searching for information regarding gene variants, they decided to do something about it. They created MARRVEL (Model organism Aggregated Resources for Rare Variant ExpLoration) to help not only their own lab but … Continue reading